
It’s been 11 days since I had my second natural miscarriage at home. My poor baby stopped growing at 8 weeks 1 day (third natural pregnancy). I was told by the sonographer at 12+5 that there was no heartbeat. Husband was in the Cafe with Grace, as the letter said we couldn’t bring in children to the scan. I knew I would be on my own, but I hoped it would be news like “Mycontinue reading…

blood pressure monitor

The usual blood pressure monitor used by many GPs, nurses, and hospitals are machine-operated and a cuff is placed around the upper arm, and one button is pressed, and then the result is given, but are these blood pressure monitors accurate, or should you request that your healthcare practitioner use the traditional aneroid sphygmomanometer? You really should, from the recent experience I had on 27 December 2024. I first noticed the very high readings fromcontinue reading…

I’m a to be mom naturally pregnant in 40s, yet why does the antenatal team talk to us like we know nothing, especially when we ask questions on the advice they give? I’m tired of the cautions being ‘high risk’.  I’ve been asking questions from the start. I question authority. I question the advice that is given? Yes, I am 42, but also have always engaged in regular cardiovascular and anaerobic exercise prior to gettingcontinue reading…

beneficial microbes

WARNING: If you hate close ups of beneficial microbes, look away now! Probiotics is big business. There are tens of thousands of probiotic pills with varying potencies, and they are not cheap either. It was years ago that I began thinking ‘I wonder if there is a live culture drink that I can buy’ and I came across the Microbz website, and its product BioLive. I love supporting small businesses so I subscribed and I’ve been using thiscontinue reading…

probiotic drinks

Probiotic drinks are a popular search, but there are so many available in the supermarkets, from Actimel to Yakult. These are affordable, as they may contain only one or two strains of beneficial bacteria to support gut health, but what if you could find a selection of probiotic drinks that contain fifteen beneficial microbe strains. Would you be excited to know what it is? Which Probiotic Drinks? Microbz is a family run business that focusescontinue reading…